AS5033:2021 – The Ultimate Run Down
On May 19th 2022, the new solar standard AS5033:2021 comes into force for all states, NSW adopted the standard from the get go on November 19th 2021.
As compliance is a driving force of PV Connections, we decided to give everyone a hand up when it comes to all changes coming into play. Below are some key pointers you may want to be all over to make sure you are compliant with your BOS products.
Key Pointers
1. You can now install without rooftop iso’s, read more on that here
2. If you run conduit into an inverter or DC Isolator on the wall you will need a drain-tee
3. DC cable needs to be compliant with IEC62930, PV1-F is no longer a thing
4. There are new label kits depending on whether you run rooftop iso’s or not, read more on that here
5. You now need to include a site plan with your system information in the main board, this is for all systems whether you run rooftop isolators or disconnection points. Download yours as a pdf here or a word document here
6. DC isolators, on both the wall and the roof, need to be protected against water and weather. When installed on the wall, they need to be protected by either a shield or the eave or similar cover. If covered by the eave, it needs to be within 30° plane from the edge of the eave. When installed on the roof you need to use either a shield with ends or a shield long enough to protect the isolator from rain in the ends. See Clause for more details. When mounted on the wall, all DC Isolators need to be mounted either on a non-combustible surface or be contained in a metal enclosure or be mounted in a non-combustible shroud or weather shield.