How to Maximize Your Solarflex Purchase

How to Maximise Your Solarflex Purchase

Solarflex offcuts can be used in many ways and with a little training and initiative can save you money and keep the boys from throwing them in the scrap bin. 

  1. Plan your runs: With time you save by using a pre-wired solution you can spend a little bit more time planning the most cost effective and efficient route for the cable run to minimise run lengths and maximise offcut length.  
  2. View offcuts as individual components: Solarflex is made of 3 parts, Solar corry three parts: Solar corry, DC cables, and earth cable. Can you use these components separately on the system? i.e., pulling out the DCs ry, DC cables and earth cable, can you use these components separately on the system? i.e. pulling out the DC’s and using them as a return loop or using the corry for a second array?  
  3. Measure your offcuts: A good tip is to get the team to measure and mark the Solarflex offcuts when they come back to the factory, wrap some electrical tape around it and write the length on it, this way you’ll be able to know if they will or won’t be long enough for your next job. 
  4. Offcuts First: When you or the team are packing the days jobs have a look at the job plan and see if any of the offcuts you have neatly measured and labelled could work before reaching for a brand new roll, always keep a brand new roll in the truck in case the job changes but try use an offcut first if you can. 
  5. $ per Metre: Let the team know what Solarflex costs per metre and ask them to tell you the value of the offcut if they throw one in the bin, kick it up a notch and start an offcut savings game with a free lunch once a month paid for by using offcuts instead of throwing them in the scrap bin. 

It’s a bit of a change of mindset but with some little tricks and creativity you can almost eliminate any offcut waste saving you money and effort. 

Give it a go and see what works for you, if you have any other tips, we’d be glad to hear them! 

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